Founded in 2010
What is LOV?
A giving project for Third Graders at Central Linn Elementary School. You may wonder why this school and why this level of student? The Third Grade level was selected because that is when Lori decided she wanted to be a teacher.
The Central Linn School District was picked because Lori was a Kindergarten Teacher here and also graduated from Central Linn High School. The “giving” of knitted hats and glvoes is because Lori loved clothes and was a past member of Central Linn Slip Stitchers 4-H Club. It is a fitting tribute to our friend Lori.

Wife, Mother, Teacher, Friend
Lori was an avid community person. She loved being involved in the school, her children’s sports and other projects. We felt it fitting to honor Lori, who passed away in 2009 after a long battle with diabetes, this way.

Helping Students
Our project reaches 50 to 60 student at Central Linn Elementary each year. We collect hats and gloves and present them in the Winter Months is each student in the 3rd Grade.